Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Atzlán (M.E.Ch.A) of the University of Arizona is a student organization that unites all Chicano students in their quest to enhance the development of all Chicanos in our society through education.
Chicanismo is the tie that binds all members of M.E.Ch.A. Therein lays the philosophical base of M.E.Ch.A. Chicanismo is Carnalisimo, responsibility, and commitment to all Chicano brothers and Chicana sisters throughout the university and community regardless of their socio-economic status. Chicanismo further implies a respect for us as Chicanos, for our history, our culture and our values
The objectives of the organization shall be to promote interest in being a bridge and a voice for our community, and to educate us about our heritage. We shall promote fellowship among students and faculty. Also, our objective is to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community. Finally, we shall represent student needs and wants in regard to participating in service-based projects.
A. Members must participate in either 1/3 of the meetings per semester or in two fundraisers per year
B. Any registered student of the University of Arizona is eligible to be an active member and may hold office
C. Must read an orientation packet provided by executive board officers
A. Shall facilitate general assembly, special sessions, and executive board meetings
B. Shall have the power to call special sessions (with the consent of the majority of executive board members)
C. Shall initiates policy
D. Shall implement decisions of the general assembly
E. Shall be official spokespersons and representatives of M.E.Ch.A
F. Shall have authority to spend monies as authorized by the executive board at the beginning of his/her term
G. Shall approve guest speakers
H. Will vote only when a tie occurs in elections
I. Shall delegate to the appropriate committees all assignments
J. Responsible for providing leadership development
K. Shall provide press releases
L. Shall summit newspaper announcements
M. Responsible of note taking in case secretary is absent
N. Shall send reminders of meetings and activities
A. Shall draw up the annual budget of M.E.Ch.A and summit it to the appropriate ASUA bodies
B. Must sign for all expenditures
C. Shall keep records of all collections and expenses
D. Shall submit a “Treasure Report” when the executive board deems it necessary
E. Shall seek sources or revenue (contact people, businesses, etc)
F. Shall propose one year scholarship or longer to a needy and active Chicano/a high school student
G. Shall spend money authorized
H. Shall have the power to make monetary decisions in case of any emergencies
I. Shall coordinate fundraising activities
J. Shall act as official liaison with other groups to raise money
A. Maintain accurate information on the organization and representatives
B. Assists in preparation of agendas
C. Must attend ALL meetings, take accurate minutes, and post them on the listserv
D. Must report to co-chairs if not able to attend a meeting
E. Schedule tentative activities and create a bi-monthly calendar of upcoming events
F. Shall be responsible for correspondence
G. Must keep attendance and updated phone/email list
H. Shall coordinate the M.E.Ch.A newsletter
I. Shall maintain the listserv and email account
A. Pursue ways to involve M.E.Ch.A with the community
B. Act as liaison between community and M.E.Ch.A
C. Act as liaison between high school and Pima Community College M.E.Ch.A chapters through organizing and moderating weekly M.E.Ch.A Central
D. Co-Chair and organize Youth Outreach Committee (YOC)
E. Youth Outreach Committee (School year long committee to be re-elected after Community Relations chair is chosen) responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- One member of YOC will be elected by the YOC to Co-Chair the YOC with Community Relations Representative
- Attend designated high school M.E.Ch.A chapter meetings twice a month, take minutes at high school chapter meetings and report back to UA M.E.Ch.A at general meeting
- Engage high school youth to give input into the planning of our annual Youth Empowerment Conference (YEC)
- Recruit high school youth to attend the YEC
- Recruit high school M.E.Ch.A chapters to attend M.E.Ch.A Central meetings.
A. Shall act as liaison between the university and M.E.Ch.A
B. Should resume responsibilities to initiate coalitions with other groups on campus
C. Shall be responsible for coordinating on campus activities
D. Coordinate all social events
E. Actively pursue events to increase club morale
F. Shall be the representative to Intramural sports
G. Maintain statistics on recruitment and enrollments of Chicano students and faculty
H. Shall organize and facilitate educational discussions to be held in each general meeting
I. Shall be responsible for implementing member recruitment policies
A. Represents the voice of UA M.E.Ch.A at Regional, Central and Nationals
B. Shall take accurate minutes of Regional and Central and Nationals
C. Shall report to general assembly of Regional, Central and Nationals
D. Cannot represent any other organization when sent to represent M.E.Ch.A
E. Representatives are sent to Regionals, Central, and Nationals solely to represent M.E.Ch.A
F. Representatives have priority for minimum of 50% pay of M.E.Ch.A funds for transportation, housing, and registration for Regionals and Nationals
A. Must keep records of all events and papers on file in M.E.Ch.A cabinet.
B. Must maintain M.E.Ch.A website updated on a regular weekly basis.
C. Must be familiar with basics of HTML. If individual nominated have little/no experience, then it is expected that the person become familiar with HTML.
D. May incorporate any files within the M.E.Ch.A cabinet into the website (and vice-versa).
E. Shall be responsible for organizing the UA M.E.Ch.A Alumni Reception
A. Must organize transportation to and from Nationals
B. Must have attended a previous National conference. If individual nominated and elected has not attended a National conference it is expected he/she contact someone who has attended before
C. Must uphold etiquette stated in Article XVII
D. Must be updated regularly by Liaison representatives on the bi-monthly
E. This is not an executive board position however Chair is expected to report to the executive board.
F. It is permitted that someone can hold National Chair in addition to another executive board position
G. No term limit
A. Committee Co-Chairs’ Authority
- May accept volunteers or make appointments to staff in his/her committees
- Shall inform M.E.Ch.A’s E-board of progress along with the general assembly when called upon by e-board
- Shall implement decision of said respective committees
- Majority vote of said committee in case of temporary absence
B. Committee’s Responsibilities
- 1. To integrate and cooperated with other committees to the fullest efficient extent possible
- The committee co-chairs shall assume the responsibility of ensuring that minutes of all committee’s meetings are kept and are accessible in the M.E.Ch.A files
- Said persons are to keep a list on all registered members and distribute names, addresses and telephone numbers of each member to the respective committee members
- Must also keep a list of committee that are able to vote in the respective committee
Co-chair and representatives are the only e-board positions that require two officers, other officers may delegate other general assembly members for assistance however, and those general assembly members are not apart of the executive board.
Officers will be elected by written ballot with each student casting a vote. In the case of a tie one co-chair is permitted to vote
A. All elections shall be by secret ballot
- Secret ballots are to be tabulated and confirmed by the existing advisor or co-chairs
- Nominations shall be accepted one week prior to elections
B. Annual Elections
- Date for nomination and elections shall be announced by M.E.Ch.A’s cochairs
- Nominations may be accepted up to one week prior to date of elections
- Nominations shall be presented in general assembly meetings one week before elections
- The nominee with the greatest number of votes is elected to the particular office
Shall not exceed two calendar years for executive board positions and one year for cochair positions
Membership to general assembly shall be opened to all students enrolled at the University of Arizona and that meet the qualifications stated in Article I of the M.E.Ch.A Constitution. Non-students may act as associate members, but may not vote or hold office.
Special sessions shall be held whenever a majority of the general assembly deems it appropriate and/or shall be called upon by co-chairs (with consent of the majority of the executive board members)
A. Shall be held weekly at a day, time and place designated by the executive board
B. Shall run in accordance to the “Chicano Rules of Order”
A. The majority carries in all legislation unless otherwise stated in the M.E.Ch.A constitution
B. The manner of voting shall be determined by the general assembly unless
otherwise provided by the Constitution
A. A resignation is official when a letter of resignation is handed to one of the cochairs. In case that a co-chair is the one resigning, the letter of resignation shall be handed to the other co-chair or the secretary
B. Nominations for the open position will begin at the following general meeting and will be carried out as stated in Article IV
C. The individual resigning may not hold that same position from which they resigned during the current term of office
D. The executive board will appoint an active member to hold the position until elections are held. Moreover, the temporary officer will assume all the responsibilities under their office as stated by the Constitution
A. E-Board officer may be removed from his/her office if 2/3 of the general assembly decides to by using secret ballots
B. Reasons for the removal from office
- Officers are subject to recall for malfeasance in office. Recall procedures will be initiated at the request of five active M.E.Ch.A members. A hearing will be conducted at a regular meeting for the presentation of evidence from all concerned parties. A majority of those members voting at the end of the hearings is necessary to remove an officer
- To refuse without justifiable cause to assume and execute the duties, offices, powers and official designation entrusted to such a manner
- For any violation of any provisions of this Constitution
- Any possible reasons deemed legitimate by a majority of the full assembly unless otherwise provided by the Constitution
A. Any M.E.Ch.A member may initiate amendments to the Constitution. A petition must be presented to the M.E.Ch.A officers with the signatures of four other active members at which it must be presented to the general assembly
B. Proposed amendments must be announced in two (2) consecutive meetings
- Shall be conducted on the meeting following the second (2) consecutive meeting
- Shall be considered as part of the M.E.Ch.A Constitution if 3/4 of the general assembly passes it
The organization shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, disability or handicap, Vietnam Era veteran status, or age in any of its policies concerning recruiting, membership, organizational activities, or opportunities to hold office
This organization is non-profit and all revenue is used for group and community activities.
A. Each newly elected board member shall participate in a cooperative training program before September 16 or their first term. The goal is to have the University of Arizona M.E.Ch.A work toward cooperative leadership
B. Shall be organized and facilitated by co-chairs, advisor or guest facilitators.
The University of Arizona M.E.Ch.A shall work with local elementary, junior high and high schools to promote education. M.E.Ch.A will at least work in conjunction with one of these educational institutions at least two events per academic year.
One of the said events shall be the Youth Leadership Conference, to be held in the fall semester of every academic year. This conference shall be held for the benefit of the Tucson community with a focus on high school and college youth, and shall be provided by MEChA at the least possible cost to the community. For the purpose of planning this conference, a pair of conference co-chairs shall be elected from the general body at the end of every fall semester in order to provide for adequate planning and fundraising for the next year’s event. Elections shall follow guidelines set forth by the constitution in Article VI.
The conference co-chairs will be responsible for drafting a budget and executing a fundraising and donation plan during the spring semester, and will confer with the Executive Board at its meetings at least once every month to provide updates as to the conference’s progress. Conference co-chairs will also be required to hold monthly meetings independent of General Body and Executive Board meetings to plan the event in the spring semester, and bi-monthly meetings to plan for the conference in the fall semester.
The pair of co-chairs will be responsible for keeping a book of documents and resources used during preparation and execution of the Youth Leadership Conference to be used for a mandatory review of the conference no more than two weeks after is completion. This book may also be used for the education of the next year’s conference co-chairs. The said book must include all meeting minutes, all versions of the budget (proposed and actual), a list of contacts used, and all computer files associated with the conference (Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents, PDF files and any publicity materials such as posters and fliers), printed, as well as saved to a CD-ROM, and a final report from the co-chairs expressing their final views on the success of the conference and delineating areas for future improvement.
A. A meeting one week prior to the National conference will be held in order to inform new members and those that have never attended a conference on what to expect
B. Expectations
- a. Designated officers are expected to attend assigned meetings and represent U of A M.E.Ch.A in a respectful manner
- b. Funding for Nationals will be up to the discretion of the current executive board as to if the chapter will be responsible for some or al l of the costs
- c. IF individuals are attending Nationals compliments of M.E.Ch.A funding specific expectations defined by current executive board shall be withheld
A. A majority of voting members of this organization may determine reasonable dues and fees assessed to each member at the beginning of each semester.
B. A specific member or members, designated by this organization shall be responsible for payment in full of all debts accumulated by the organization not covered by funds on deposit.
This organization will not conspire to engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person attending the institution.
This organization shall comply with all University and campus policies and regulations and local, state, and federal laws.