What is Amnesty International ?

Amnesty International is the world's largest grassroots human rights organization. Amnesty works for the release of prisoners of conscience, men, women, and children imprisoned for their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, language, sexual orientation, or religion, provided they have never used nor advocated violence; fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners; an end to torture, executions, political killings and "Disappearances".

The University of Arizona chapter has letter writing campaigns; promotes interest in the fight against human rights violations worldwide by having speakers, informational tables on campus, and organizing special events in the community; and has weekly meetings that will provide a forum for students who want to express and share their ideas concerning human rights issues. For more information about the scope of Amnesty's work and positions regarding various issues refer to our constitution and positions page.

your SB1070 questions answered in the activist toolkit

we're meeting in Chavez 305, Thursdays at 5pm