University of Arizona Institude of Industrial Engineers / International Council on Systems Engineering (IIE/INCOSE) Constitution
- The constitution was adopted on September 30th, 2009 and updated on September 22, 2013.
- The objective of the chapter is to promote the profession of industrial/systems engineering through fields of industrial/systems engineering and dissemination of knowledge thereby gained. The chapter shall promote membership in IIE/INCOSE by acquainting the student body with the ideas, purposes, and objectives of IIE/INCOSE.
- The chapter is a campus-based and student controlled group. Active membership is limited to students of the University of Arizona.
- Democratic procedures for nominations, elections, and removal of officers will be performed by requiring a majority (50% + 1) vote for any decision regarding officers.
- Any policy-making decisions, including amendment of this constitution, will require a 2/3 vote at a general body meeting.
- There is an unconditional annual student membership fee of $35 set by national IIE and $35 set by national INCOSE for national recognition of membership status. This fee will not be mandatory for participation in the University of Arizona Chapter of IIE/INCOSE.
- The organization shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender, disability or handicap, religion, sexual orientation, disabled veteran's status or Vietnam era veteran's status in any of its policies, procedures, and practices. The policy will include, but is not limited to, recruiting, membership, organization activities, or opportunity to hold office.
- The organization is non-profit.
- A specific member or members designated by the organization shall be responsible for payment in full of all debts accumulated by the organization not covered by funds on deposit.
- The organization will not conspire to engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical hardship or personal degradation, or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person attending the institution.
- The organization shall comply with all University and campus policy and regulations, in addition to all local, state, and federal laws.
- The organization is willing to work in a democratic manner within the framework of University policies and procedures. Since the chapter is a member of a national organization, the University reserves the right to examine the record of the parent organization or of affiliates on other campuses.
- Meetings for the general body will be held at least twice a month. A majority (50% + 1) vote is necessary for all business exeption constitutional amendments, which requires a 2/3 vote at a general body meeting. A quorum will be any group of members with at least as many general body members as officers present.
- Officers will be self nominated and then elected through voting at a general body meeting at the end of each spring semester. Officers will serve a year-long term with no term limit. Officers must have attended at least one meeting or event during the current school year. Vacancies will be filled through advertisement of the open positions and timely elections to be determined and coordinated by the current officers.
Office Positions and Duties
- President
- Prepare agendas for and run meetings.
- Coordinate with IIE, INCOSE, the College of Engineering, and ASUA.
- Delegate tasks and provide support for other officers.
- Oversees all club activities and officer duties.
- Leads the transition between officers and elect officers at the conclusion of the academic year.
- Help further the overall involvement of IIE/INCOSE on campus.
- Executive Vice President
- Help President coordinate with IIE and ASUA.
- Leads review session logistics and planning.
- Oversees the Treasurer to ensure that all tasks and action items are completed.
- Help further the overall involvement of IIE/INCOSE on campus.
- Administrative Vice President
- Help President coordinate with INCOSE and the College of Engineering.
- Be present for events and recruiting efforts.
- Oversees the Secretary to ensure that all tasks and action items are completed.
- Treasurer
- Handle monetary tasks, including tax forms and checks.
- Generate fundraising ideas if necessary.
- Promptly reimburse officers if necessary.
- Keep track of expenses and bank account balances.
- Organizes who has access to the bank account and bank information.
- Secretary
- Take detailed, organized minutes at each meeting.
- Distribute minutes (through email, bulletin board, etc) to officers (and members as appropriate), including officer-specific tasks to be completed in a given time frame.
- Leads communication between IIE/INCOSE and the SIE student body which includes the Facebook page, Listserv, flyers, and IIE/INCOSE message board.
- Documents IIE/INCOSE events by taking pictures of club functions and activities.
- Social Chair
- Oversee planning of social programs (generate event ideas, coordinate event details).
- Plan a variety of social programs, in total appealing to as many students as possible.
- Serve as captain of intramural teams (be aware of Rec Center deadlines and policies) and E-Week club involvement.
- Leads communcation with IIE/INCOSE with other clubs (which include but are not limited to ASEM, ASME, SWE, EA, and EWM).
- Conference Chair
- Organizes logistics surrounding the participation to the following conferences: IIE Western Regional Student Conference, IIE Annual Conference, INCOSE IW, and INCOSE IS.
- Serves as Conference Coordinator if the IIE/INCOSE chapter is selected to host a conference.
- Assists in the promotion of conferences to the student body.
- Leads the selection of studens to attend conferences with the President.