New website under construction! Beware falling cows!.

Book Club Links PhotoAlbum MeetingMinutes Members Constitution


    The Physics, Astronomy and Science Club (PAS) is a collection of students in the sciences committed to fostering an atmosphere of support and learning among students and faculty alike. The Club has been in existence for around 4 years. Until the 2006-2007 academic year it was advised by now retired professor J. D. Garcia. The current advisor is Dr. Cronin, shown below.

Alex Cronin

    The Physics Club is as active as its members want it to be. In the department we run coffee and donut Thursday, a fun fundraiser and social event. Check your email on Wednesday for a heads-up on the next time you can coffee and donuts in the PAS building lobby. We also organize a variety of social events and trips. Last year we went to the X-Cup, an aerospace expo, in Las Cruces, NM, in addition to Meteor Crater in northern Arizona. In fall of 2006 we took a trip to both the Trinity Nuclear Test Site and the Very Large Array in New Mexico (see the photo album!). This year we've also had a movie night and a bowling night, in addition to organizing the book club (see the current listing!) and revamping the website. 

    There are abundant opportunities to get involved. Elections are coming up soon, so please consider running for president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, historian, or webmaster! We are open to any ideas for programs or projects you may have! 

News and Events

Posted 4/16/07:

New pictures from the Sunday hike are posted! 

Posted 4/3/07:

The Next PAS meeting will be Monday, April 9th at 4:00pm in room PAS 274. On the agenda is deciding when to have the spring picnic and nominating officers for next year. Please come and have your voice heard!

Also, new content has been uploaded to the website. Please take a look!


Comments or Questions? Please contact webmaster.