Arizona Women's Ice Hockey
Ovarian Cancer Athlete Bachelor Auction


 In September 2005, the UofA Women's Ice Hockey club team will be putting together an Athlete Bachelor Auction to raise money for ovarian cancer research. (Exact dates and times will be posted later)

Last year one of our alternate captains, at 18 years of age, was diagnosed with Stage II ovarian cancer. After surgery and months of chemotherapy she has pulled through it and is again playing with the Icers.

We have learned that ovarian cancer is the 5th leading cause of death of U.S. women.  In 2004 25,580 women were diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and of those 16,090 will die according to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Inc. (  Most cases are not diagnosed until Stage III or IV because the symptoms usually aren't obvious. 

Because of this, the Icers will spend this summer and fall raising as much money as possible in order to contribute to the research of ovarian cancer.  Half of all donations and money raised will be contributed to a charity for research for finding a better and earlier method for diagnosing this deadly disease.  The other half of the money raised will go to the costs of sponsoring this event and towards team expenses. 

Please download a copy of our donation letter and mail it to the address on the form and please keep checking back for exact dates for the auction. For more information please contact Lauri at  .

Thank you

Arizona Women's Ice Hockey

(For more information on ovarian cancer please visit