Guest Speakers

Stuart Hameroff MD

Dr. HamerDr. Hameroff is Professor Emeritus at the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology, and Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies, at the University of Arizona. Dr Hameroff is best-known for his research on 'quantum consciousness', an alternative model to the accepted view of how consciousness arises. With Sir Roger Penrose, Dr Hameroff has proposed that consciousness arises at the quantum level within structures inside neurons, known as microtubules.


Zubin Damania MD

Dr. Zubin DamaniaGraduating from the University of California in San Francisco College of Medicine in 1999 Dr. Damania has demonstrated that laughter can be the cure for an ailing soul. Considered a "loose cannon" by the faculty, Dr. Damania was able to crack jokes and lighten even the tensest situation. Several years later, Dr. Damania has established his own practice in Palo Alto California abiding to his strict rules of comedy. For more information on Dr. ZDogg visit his website at


Yolanda Carrasco

Yolanda CarrascoYolanda serves as the senior program coordinator in the College of Medicine and is in charge of debt counseling management for medical students. It is imperative that staff advisors such as Yolanda be available to students to determine financial security upon graduation. FACES is fortunate to have her as a guest speaker this year to educate its members on what to expect financially upon graduation and how to manage their debt responsibly.


Border Health Panel

Since 1985, SEAHEC has been working to expand the reach of health-related services to those places where medical resources are most limited or lacking. Located in Nogales, Arizona on the U.S./Mexico border, SEAHEC serves a 16,500 square mile tri-county area in which multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-national issues play a substantial role. SEAHEC helps to strengthen the wellness of rural and medically underserved communities by developing health care providers and health care programs.




Former Surgeon General Richard Carmona MD

Richard CarmonaThe 17th Surgeon General of the United States (2002 - 2006), Dr. Richard Carmona served as our nation's top doctor, issuing calls to action in the fight against major health concerns such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, and the dangers of secondhand smoke. During his tenure, Dr. Carmona focused on shifting the paradigm of healthcare from treatment to prevention, stressing that lifelong healthy living is a key component to medical care. Passionate about eliminating health disparities, he has championed health literacy, educating the American public on health issues so that they can make informed choices. A specialist in the area of public health preparedness, Dr. Carmona has led the nation in combating the global threats to our health, safety, and security.