All University of Arizona
students are welcome to join Muralcles. You don't have to be an artist, musician
or pre-med student to join. If you like to work with children, paint,
draw, laugh, sing and smile, then you will be perfect for Muralcles!
Muralcles is always looking for dedicated and enthusiastic members.
Joining Muralcles
To participate in Muralcles events a member must meet all of the
following requirements:
Have an OrgSync account with Muralcles marked
as one of their clubs,
Have completed the Membership Information Form on
Have paid their membership dues, and
Have a club T-shirt to wear to events.
About OrgSync
Muralcles has recently joined an
online community called OrgSync that allows for members to be reminded
of upcoming meetings and events, to fill out forms, vote in polls and
stay connected with other members. We require members to join OrgSync.
It is free and easy to use.
To Join OrgSync:
1. Go to
2. In the upper-right corner of the page click on "Register"
and complete OrgSync's registration form.
3. Once you are registered with OrgSync, on your home page
click the button that says "Join an Organization." Select
The University of Arizona from the list.
4. On the next list scroll down to Muralcles and click "Join."
Use the passwork "muralcles" to join the club.
5. You will now be at your "portal" where you
can access all the clubs you are registered for. In the left-hand column
click on the Muralcles link.
6. This will now take you to the Muralcles OrgSync Homepage.
Scroll down and click on the link that says
"Tools" and then on the link called "Forms" and fill out
the "Member Information Form".
7. You are now ready to use OrgSync! Explore our homepage
to see the dates for upcoming meeting and events,
take polls, and connect with other members. Please click
here to read about all of
the tools OrgSync has to offer.
Paying Dues:
We also require a one-time membership fee of ten dollars
to become a member. This goes to your Muralcles T-shirt and our club
funds for art supplies. Membership fees can be paid at any general Muralcles
meeting, at which point you will also receive your Muralcles
Once you have joined Muralcles through OrgSync, paid your
membership dues and received your T-shirt, then you are a full Muralcles
Muralcles does not require members to attend a certain number of events or hours of volunteer
service to participate, but we do encourage members to attend as many of the events as they can because they are both a fun and rewarding experience.
Active and Inactive Membership
Muralcles membership is divided into two different forms of
membership status: active and inactive. This is used to help honor
members who are determined to continually provide service to their
community and to acknowledge those that go above an beyond the average
The Value of Being an Active Member
Active members will have the privilege of:
- Being
recorded on Muralcles' semester list of active members.
- Receiving
letters of recommendation from Muralcles stating that they are an active
Muralcles member.
- Have priority registration for special events and for cancellation spots
in future events.
- Can run in elections to become a board member after one semester of
active membership.
Obtaining Active Membership
To obtain an active membership in Muralcles you must accumulate five (5)
membership points by the end of the semester. The following chart
determines the point value of meetings and events:
Event |
Value |
Club Meeting |
1 Points |
Session |
Points |
Session |
Points |
Session |
Points |
Band Practice |
Points |
Band Gig/Hospital Visit |
2 or 3
Points |
Event |
2 Points |
At the end of the semester, points will be tallied and your membership
status will be reflected on your OrgSync account.
Members can check their status at
the end of semesters on OrgSync
under the "People" tab and then under "Families" in
the left-hand column. If you are in the active family then you are
considered an active member.
Please keep a tally of your points
through out the semester as they are only updated on OrgSync at the end of
semesters and not after every event.
How to Become an Active Member When
Currently Inactive
An inactive member may become active at any time by accumulating five
membership points within any one given semester.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of our board
Copyright Muralcles Arizona
Last Updated: 10/02/2009